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Our Planes Connected 4: Goodbyes on Avishkar S2E8

Our Planes Connected 4: Goodbyes on Avishkar

· 01:32:50

Our crew goes through the process of departing, and finds themselves on Shandalar

Our Music is by Amelia who you can find on twitter at @AM_Ridz_Music and our cover art is by Aki who you can find on twitter at @akinomii_art

If you liked what you heard in this game, consider preordering Interstitial 2e Here

Cast and Crew:
GM: Chell
Missy: Proxy (Mystic)
Faramir: Cyd (Other)
Joshua Graham: Izzy (Paladen)

About Us:
 We are a fanfiction actual play podcast set in the Magic the Gathering Multiverse. Join us every first monday of the month for a story from somewhere in the Multiverse in one of many different Systems 


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